How Defining your Sustainable Development Goals Can Accelerate Innovation
Defining which Sustainable Development Goals to focus on, allows you to break down a SDG into specific challenges that your team can actually answer - crucial to opening up opportunities to innovate! Which will you start with?
How the Circular Economy can kickstart your innovation strategy
Based on three key principles the Circular economy framework looks at the real customer value being provided and asks if there is a better, more durable, effective way to deliver it?
10 types of sustainable innovation -Identifying opportunities beyond products
Product innovation is often the main innovation focus but is easily copied by competitors with expertise and budget. Dive into the 10 types of innovation using startup and corporate sustainable innovation examples for potential opportunities.
How to implement a kinder innovation strategy
Disruption can be an opportunity, and it’s a brilliant time to redefine innovation strategies, involve your employees more than ever, and experiment with new ideas to shape post-pandemic life and commerce.